Frequently Asked Questions about mathwhiteboard

general Questions

Yes! It is 100% free! There are a couple of reasons we are providing this awesome tool for free:

  1. We want to show our love to all of the Math teachers and students out there!
  2. We are passionate about building the best teaching and learning tools for Math teaching and learning and we want you to enjoy MathWhiteboard for free. When you see how awesome it is, we hope it gets you excited to buy our other product, FluidMath, in the future. You can learn about FluidMath at

Yes! We are always happy to give a demo of our innovative Mathematics teaching and learning tools. Please contact us about setting up a demonstration of MathWhiteboard here: Contact Us

Yes! We offer in-person and virtual training for MathWhiteboard. Please contact us if you would like to learn more and if you would like a quote: Contact Us

Functionality Questions

Yes! Just click the “Math Type” button in the menu bar. Then, place your mouse or cursor anywhere on the MathWhiteboard page. You will see a little box and a blinking cursor. You can then type math with your keyboard. You can also use the virtual calculator keyboard that is displayed on the bottom of the page.

Just go to the “Insert” menu and select “Graph”. This will place an empty graph on the page. You can then drag and drop your typed math expression into the graph. If you typed a math expression with free variables, like “m” and “b” in “y=mx+b”, you can just click on “m” and click on “b” in the typed math expression and a slider will be displayed.

There are a couple of ways to create sliders. If you are writing on the screen with a stylus or your finger, just write an assignment like “m=1” (any variable = a number) and then draw a straight line down from the equal sign. A slider will replace the assignment on the page. If you have typed your math on the page, just click a variable in the typed math and a slider will be displayed.

Technical Questions

MathWhiteboard runs in the latest versions of all popular browsers including Chrome, Edge, and Safari. 

MathWhiteboard will run on most modern computers with a modern web-browser. MathWhiteboard runs great on Chromebooks, Windows tablets, laptops and PCs, Apple iPads, and Apple laptops and desktops. You can use MathWhiteboard on touch-screen computers with a stylus or your finger to write math and control the software with gestures. And, you can use MathWhiteboard on a computer without a touch-screen since we have a keyboard interface for entering math notation that is just as effect as writing math on the screen.

No! MathWhiteboard has a keyboard interface for entering math notation that is just as effective as writing math in MathWhiteboard on a touch screen. You can enter Math notation with your physical keyboard or with the on-screen virtual keyboard.

Other Questions

Yes! MathWhiteboard stems from University research and we have received many federal research grants to both build our innovative Mathematics teaching and learning tools and also study their use in the classroom.

We are located in Boston, Massachusetts on the east coast of the United States and we are in the East Coast US time zone (same as New York City).



FluidMath Integration

FluidMath is an authoring tool for MathWhiteboard pages.

You can save your whiteboards in FluidMath and share a copy with

Learn more about it here > FluidMath Integration